Joint Report of the Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services, the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and the Director of Public Health
The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services, the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and the Director of Public Health which presented the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) Annual Report 2022/23 (for endorsement (for copy of report see file of minutes).
Councillor C Hood, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Adult and Health Services outlined some of the achievements made during the last year, in particular the work carried out in restoring screen and immunisation programmes since the pandemic. Councillor Hood also highlighted some key pieces of work undertaken over the year to address the inequalities that the pandemic had widened, including the promotion of healthy and independent lives for those aged 50 plus and highlighting and raising awareness of how economic factors can have effects on people’s health. Councillor Hood placed on record his thanks to the Corporate Directors of Adults and Health Services, the Director of Public Health and the Corporate Director for Neighbourhoods and Cilimate Change for their hard work.
Councillor E Scott, supported the Annual Report of Health and Wellbeing Board which was now in its tenth year. Councillor Scott commented that it was particularly pleasing to see the role the board has taken in championing its role for health and wellbeing.
That the recommendations in the report be approved.
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