Agenda item

Quarter One 2023/24 Performance Management Report


The Committee received a report of the Chief Executive Officer that presented an overview of progress towards the delivery of the key priorities within the Council Plan 2023-27 in line with the Councils Corporate Performance Framework in quarter one from April to June 2023.


Gemma Wilkinson, Strategy Team Leader gave a verbal summary of the main messages on performance for the Service Grouping noting progress to date.   She noted that the format of the report had changed to a suite of dashboards structured around specific service areas using greater data visualisation to provide more focus and transparent information that showed trends, targets and direct travel for bench marking.  The format followed the Council Plan themes relevant to the Committee.


Councillor Surtees commented that she was concerned that the performance of the Poverty Action Steering Group was not included in the report and asked where this information was reported to. She referred to paragraph 52 of the report where reference was made to the number of households receiving advice from the MMB scheme being lower than the same period last year and that this decline had been attributed to the fuel cap limit and decreasing bills.  She asked for the evidence to support these claims.


The Strategy Team Leader stated that there was a performance framework that sat alongside the strategy and agreed to take the question back for a response.


Stephen Gwillym, Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer remarked that there was a performance framework for the Poverty Action Steering Group.  The performance of this group had been included as part of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board work programme.  It was suggested that the service check and ensure that this information was included in the performance report to be considered at a future meeting of the COSMB.


Councillor Stead referred to the increase in tourism for Durham in comparison to previous years.  He felt this was down to the Culture bid and the end of the pandemic.  He thought it was interesting that money was being brought back into Newton Aycliffe and Chester le Street and not just the Dales.  He queried whether the relevant tourism targets should be increased since tourism was doing so well. He then continued that thought could be given to free carparking in Durham City to increase the economy for smaller businesses and gave the example, if people wanted to go into Durham for small purchases without the hassle of the park and ride scheme or the cost of parking which could deter people.


The Strategy Team Leader commented that she would discuss with the service the current tourism targets.


Councillor Moist noted that the Strategy Team Leader was in attendance to discuss the performance management report not the parking policy.


Councillor Shaw was concerned with the homeless figures that appeared to be worse over the period and asked for clarification as to the cause of the increase.


The Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth responded that there was a report due to go to Cabinet in October that would look at the updated homeless strategy and the consultation.  There were different issues converging including financial pressures across the County and the availability of social housing.


Councillor Ormerod agreed with Councillor Stead and was impressed with the tourism performance figures.  He requested that there should be more made of County Durham as a Yorkshire Authority and highlighted that it is two historic counties not just one.


The Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth stated that there were areas that could be improved upon with tourism. She noted that work was being carried out on the length of stays for visitors.


Councillor Shaw remarked that with the financial pressures on the council and prevention figures increased then work should be carried out to engage with people to help them stay in their own homes that would prevent homelessness.


The Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth responded that there were challenges with accommodation and that there was an increase in relation to the statutory obligations on the Council to accommodate the most vulnerable. 


Councillor Batey commented that she was impressed with the new format of the performance report, the dashboards were very helpful in comparing data. She noted that Durham had a good cultural offer with cinemas and theatres.  She remarked that she thought that an additional indicator should be added to show the number of overnights stays.


The Strategy Team Leader responded that she would take this suggestion back to the Service Grouping.


Councillor Scott the Cabinet Portfolio Holder commented that she had been at a planning session with Visit County Durham where performance had been discussed and it was made clear that they want hard performance targets going forward.


Mrs R Morris commented that she liked the new dashboard and asked if the new performance report could include data that gave a picture of how various areas in the county were performing.  She stated that if the areas were unpicked incentives could be initiated to target resources in those areas that were underperforming.  She also asked what was happening in relation to the Restart Programme that was taking clients from DCCs Employability Programmes.  There was no one from the service to debate the situation but it needed to be resolved.


The Strategy Team Leader agreed to seek advice and provide a response in relation to the points raised above.


Councillor Shaw left the meeting at 11.10am


Councillor Surtees queried if there was any work being undertaken to promote events in County Durham.  She remarked that it was the Year of the Coast but she had not seen any promotional material for this. 


Councillor Scott agreed that this should be promoted and she would take this back and discuss with VCD.  Councillor Moist remarked that the homeless figures had increased and asked how many empty homes there were in County Durham.  He knew of empty properties that were within cemeteries that were not in use and commented that these empty homes could make a difference.


The Strategy Team Leader would need to seek the latest figure and agreed to report back.






That the content of the report was noted

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