Agenda item

Quarterly Performance and Operational Report

Report of the Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar.


The Joint Committee considered a report of the Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar which provided an update relating to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).


The Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar reported that 588 cremations were undertaken during the period 1 June to 31 August 2023, which was 8 cremations less compared to the comparable period last year. It was noted that 166 families were from Durham, 21 from Spennymoor and 401 families were from other areas.


The number and value of memorial plaques sold were 69 / £17,471 compared to 76 / £21,284 in the comparable period last year, a decrease of 47 memorials sold and £3,813 in terms of income generated.


With regards to the appointment of relief members of staff to assist in the operational areas of the crematorium, it was confirmed that they had both undertaken all training and had recently passed the cremator operator test.


The Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar reported that the cremators were serviced in June 2023 and on inspection it was identified that there was an issue with the brickwork within the cremator as well as an issue with the charging door. A decision was therefore made to shut down the cremator due to health and safety concerns until a full reline could be undertaken which was due to be carried out September 2023. It was noted that this work was not included in this year’s budget as it had been factored into the 2024/25 Service Asset Management Plan. A sum of £68,900 was required for this work and could be met from reserves.


Durham Crematorium was successful in obtaining a Green Flag Award for the twelfth year running and was a testament to the dedication of the Crematorium staff and also comes on top of the award of Gold Star Status in the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management Accreditation.


The Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar advised that Durham County Council had decided to withdraw from entering the green flag awards for cemeteries and sought views from the Joint Committee if they wished to continue with the green flag award for Durham Crematorium.


Referring to the Service Asset Management Plan, the Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar advised that the plan had been reviewed and updated to provide further direction and highlighted future budget pressures. It was noted that £1,648,130 had been estimated for Priority 1 essential works for 2024/25 and would need to be considered as part of the budget setting process for next year. Priority 2 works which would need to feature in 2025/26 budget plans had been estimated at £123,000 and Priority 3 works which would fall beyond the next two years had been estimated at £123,000. Longer term works had been costed at £401,400.


The Joint Committee discussed the Service Asset Management Plan and agreed the priority of works be factored into budget planning in 2024/25 and beyond. Councillor J Blakey suggested that the Crematorium seating be updated and be included in future budget planning.


The Joint Committee agreed to continue to apply for the Green Flag award as the Green Flag status was a positive accreditation for Durham Crematorium and County Durham. Responding to a query regarding costs, the Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar advised that the Green Flag application cost £360.00.




(i)         That the current performance of the crematorium be noted;


(ii)       That the current position with regards to the staffing be noted;


(iii)      That the updated position with regards to the Green Flag scheme be noted and to continue to apply for the award be agreed;


(iv)      That the content of the Service Asset Management Plan attached at Appendix 3, which will be factored into budget planning in 2024/25 and beyond be agreed.

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