Agenda item

Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Update - Report of the Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services and the Strategic Manager, Children and Young People's Services


The Panel considered the Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Childrenupdate report presented by Sharon Davey, Strategic Manager for Children and Young People’s Services (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes). 


The Strategic Manager informed the Panel that Durham continues to take a high percentage of UASC compared with regional neighbours and a dedicated UASC team is in place. The team has developed social inclusion opportunities and community links, details of which were provided in the report. In addition, the UASC multi agency group meets regularly to share information on issues including health, education and the voluntary sector, in a partnership approach to support UASC to integrate into the community and promote their physical and mental health. 


Members spoke of the assistance provided by the voluntary and community sector and the legal barriers that may be encountered when providing assistance. The Strategic Manager agreed to make enquiries regarding the possibility of providing sign-posting and information on the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board website.




That the report and presentation be noted.



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