Agenda item

Bishop Auckland (Parking & Waiting Restrictions) Traffic Regulation Amendment Order 2023 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which advised Members of the objections received to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in Bishop Auckland during both the informal and informal consultation period.


The Strategic Traffic Manager provided a detailed presentation that included: a map (location plan and associated highways), aerial photos, photographs of the site. The following restrictions were proposed:


-       To introduce no waiting at any time restrictions at the Boddy Street junction (Location 1)


-       To introduce coach parking, ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions & extend existing ‘no stopping’ restrictions at King James Academy (Location 2)


-       To introduce no waiting at any time restrictions at the Etherley Lane/The Copse Junctions (Location 3)


-       To introduce no waiting at any time restrictions at St Andrews Terrace (Location 4)


The Chair noted that there were no public or local members  in attendance to provide representations for locations 1-3.


The Chair welcomed Councillor Hunt to make her representations on Location 4, St Andrews Terrace


Councillor Hunt explained that car parking charges had been implemented at the nearby local men’s working club and had been observed with a coinciding rise in parking congestion in the affected area as set out in the report.


Councillor Howey speaking as local member explained that an increase in traffic flow in the area had been reported compared to historical observations. This increase has been observed with the expansion of the local business park. It was remarked that this increase in traffic exacerbated the issue of congestion via the current parking from residents, and the displacement of vehicles from the proposed recommendations would be minimal, by parking at the rear of the affected dwellings. The proposals would in her opinion not cause further displacement of vehicles as properties did have access to off street parking and ample space was available further up the road. She commented that this issue had been raised previously and not been implemented, however highways safety was paramount. 


It had been commented by several members that Highway safety outweighed all other objects raised.


Councillor Howey left the meeting during the debate on this item


Moved by Councillor Wood, Seconded by Councillor Jopling



That the committee endorse the proposal, in principle, to introduce the Bishop Auckland (Parking and Waiting Restrictions) Traffic Regulation Amendment Order 2023, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.


Councillor Howey returned to the meeting following the conclusion of this item



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