Agenda item

Newton Aycliffe (Parking & Waiting Restrictions) Traffic Regulation Amendment Order 2023 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth that advised Members of the objections from the informal and formal consultations periods in reference to the proposed changes to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in Newton Aycliffe.


The Strategic Traffic Manager provided a detailed presentation that included: a map (location plan and associated highways), aerial photos, photographs of the site. The following restrictions were proposed:


-       Clarence Chare – To introduce ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) on either side of the junction from St Cuthbert’s Way into Clarence Chare to improve access/egress and visibility for all road users. (Location 1)


-       Staintondale - to introduce ‘no waiting and no loading/unloading at any time’ restrictions & extend existing ‘no stopping’ restrictions to improve road safety adjacent to Byerly Park Primary School (Location 2)


-       The Green - To introduce ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions to improve access/egress and visibility for all road users. (Location 3)


The Chair welcomed local member, Councillor Stead, to speak on the item.


CouncillorStead, speaking in support of the proposals advised that two videos had been circulated to the committee ahead of the meeting, which demonstrated the issues with parking around  ByerlyParkPrimarySchool. He further advised that whilst some properties did have dropped kerbs, this did not deter all vehicles from parking in this location and an extension to the no waiting and no loading restrictions was needed.  He further referenced the difficulties within the estate where properties had multiple vehicles which were parked on the road further exacerbating the issue.


In relation to Location 2, Stainondale, the Committee Services Officer read out the following statement which had been submitted by the headteacher of the local school who was in favour of the proposal but unable to attend the meeting.


“I agree with the proposal put forward by Councillor Michael Stead including extending the zigzag lines around the corner next to the entrance to Byerley Park Primary School. The safety of the pupils at the school has long been a concern to us due to the parking on Staintondale. Having zigzag lines closer to the school entrance will give a clearer space for the pupils to be able to see to cross the road safely and will also ensure that part of the road is less congested. We have consulted with the Police and Councillor Stead on this issue as we are concerned about the safety of the pupils at busy times i.e., beginning and end of the school day due to the congestion on the road. I would not want any changes that would have a significant impact on the residents of the area in a negative way as, although often frustrated by the parking near school, they are on the whole very patient and accept this as something that needs to be accepted living near a school. I think these proposals would provide a safer space for the children to cross the road without having a negative impact on the ability of the residents to park outside their homes.”


Councillor Atkinson commented that the current difficulty of the manoeuvrability of buses.  Other related measures that were in progress had been highlighted including hard-standing areas around the affected junction at Clarence Chare which is in the process of being funded by the local Area Action Partnership. The combination of both measures had been claimed to produce a significantly positive highway safety effect upon a successful implementation.  It was further remarked that “The Green” site, which had a historical and continuous issue with parking, had increased in recent years with the increasing success of the nearby pub. Consultations around the congestion issues on “The Green” had been reported to have spanned several years.


Councillor Mavin in referencing Councillor Atkinson’s comments in relation to Location 3 noted that he fully supported the local members views.


Councillor Tinsley also referred to Location 3 and highlighted the importance of listening to local members concerns which were reflected in the remarks and recommendations for “The Green” Site. Councillor Tinsley questioned whether any additional requirements were necessary given the site’s location within a local conservation area.


It was confirmed by the Highways Officer that the conservation area guidelines had been considered and appropriate actions had been implemented in preparation. These measures, including the reduction in width of the doube yellow lines by 50% and a colour adjustment of the double yellow lines to a less prominent/bright colour



In relation to Location 2, Staintondale and the issues caused by school traffic Councillor Robson welcomed the introduction of restrictions however, commented that to alleviate future prospective highways issues around schools that any new school developments should include engineered solutions such as laybys, to accommodate school traffic for drop off and pick up’s. He further added his support for the proposed solutions to the three areas noting the various issues within each.


The impact of the recommendation was outlined by Councillor Howey noting that the recommendations should prevent increased incidents of highway code infringements by motorists.


Moved by Councillor Mavin, Seconded by Councillor Tinsley




That the Committee endorse the proposal, in principle, to introduce the Newton Aycliffe (Parking and Waiting Restrictions) Traffic Regulation Amendment Order 2023 with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers

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