The Panel welcomed Billie Leigh and Luke to provide the Children in Care Council update (for copy of presentation see file of minutes).
Billie Leigh informed the Panel that a meeting had taken place with the Bishop Auckland art exhibition co-ordinator and consents to display artwork were being sought from the young people. Billie Leigh reported how much the young people were looking forward to the exhibition and its related events.
Luke spoke of the plans for Care Day in February 2024. The younger group had discussed that they would like to hold a talent contest and they had asked if it would be possible for Corporate Parenting Panel members to judge the contest. The ‘ideas room’ had been a great success at the last Care Day event, therefore an ideas room will be included at the next event, and it was hoped this will generate discussions and ideas.
Jayne Watson, Senior Partnerships Officer advised that members wishing to volunteer to be on the judging panel for the Care Day talent contest should contact her.
Billie Leigh informed the Panel that she had attended the regional Children in Care Council conference at which life skills passport work had been a key discussion topic. Billie Leigh had found it useful to speak to representatives from other regions who have this provision in place, to share their experience.
The Senior Partnerships Officer referred to the joint CPP/CiCC meeting held in April at which the priorities for the year ahead (life skills & savings) were identified. She informed the Panel that an update on the work taking place to progress these would be brought to the next meeting.
At a recent CiCC meeting, one of the long-standing CiCC members gave a talk on their University course in media studies and he suggested that he could share his skills to help the CiCC produce short videos and media clips.
Concluding the presentation, Billie Leigh presented a ‘thank you’ card to the Panel on behalf of the CiCC, for their contributions towards the entry into care packs. The Senior Partnerships Officer agreed to share this with all the Panel members and will ask for it to be shared with other members who also contributed to the project.
Councillor Hunt asked the CiCC representatives if they would be willing to contribute to the Council’s response to the government’s consultation on the creation of a smokefree generation. The representatives responded that the CiCC would be happy to participate. Councillor Hunt thanked them in advance for their assistance and expressed the value of including young people’s voices in the consultation to shape future government policy on smoking and vaping.
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