The Panel received a report and presentation delivered by the Deputy Corporate Director of Children’s Services on the role of the Independent Visitor Service (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes).
The Deputy Corporate Director summarised the current position of the service and highlighted developments over the past 12 months. It was reported that Since August 2022, 43 new Independent Visitors had been recruited and there had been 73 referrals since October 2022, with 60 matches.
In terms of future developments, the specific target was the Durham County Council target of ensuring 50 referrals of children in care, with 30 matched annually. The aspirational target was to meet the National Independent Visitor Network target to match 10% of children in care.
In conclusion, the Deputy Director of Children’s Services asked that if members were aware of anyone who would like to volunteer to be an Independent Visitor, that they should inform either himself or the author of the report, Mark Den Hollander.
That the recommendations in the report be approved.
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