Agenda item

Unc. South Burns, Chester le Street, Proposed Prohibition of Motor Vehicles and Permit Parking Scheme - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding a proposed prohibition of motor vehicles and permit parking scheme at unclassified South Burns, Chester-le-Street (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that consideration of the proposals for South Burns had been deferred from the previous meeting of the Highways Committee following representations made by representatives from a local taxi company and the owner of an Indian restaurant. Following those representations Members expressed concern that the proposed restrictions could have a detrimental impact on local businesses in a town that was already struggling economically and agreed to inspect the site.


The Committee were informed that under existing arrangements three vehicles were not permitted outside the taxi premises and there should be no customer parking for the Indian restaurant.  The taxi company operated a private hire business and therefore all bookings should be made in advance.  It was hoped that the scheme would reduce the amount of traffic using the area by way of better enforcement, which would benefit the business community and other businesses in the area had supported the proposals.


The Committee debated the amount of space available generally in the market place area and the large amount of public space between the civic heart sculpture and market stalls, commenting that their appeared to be scope to make further improvements that may benefit those businesses concerned about any potential loss of trade.


Councillor Stradling commented that he was minded to agree with the proposed scheme with a caveat that due consideration be given to look at the feasibility of utilising some of the public space.


Councillor Blakey referred to those cars observed reversing outside the nearby supermarket and asked if the installation of bollards on the corner would prevent such instances occurring.


The Committee were informed that the installation of any bollards would be subject to a statutory procedure but it was hoped these instances would be reduced given that each property would receive one parking permit.  In relation to the possible utilisation of space outlined by the Committee, the Strategic Highways Manager commented that the issue would need to be discussed with the Head of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection who would need to review current market practices. 



That the recommendations detailed in the report be agreed and that a review of the market trading practices is carried out in due course

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