Agenda item

Financial Monitoring Report 2011/12: Provisional Outturn - Revenue and Capital

Joint Report of the Treasurer to the Joint Committee / Corporate Director of Resources and the Corporate Director Neighbourhood Services



The Principal Accountant, Jo McMahon noted that this was the usual quarterly update report regarding the financial position for the Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee, setting out the funds and reserves at 1 April 2011 and the projected position at 31 March 2012, taking into account the provisional financial outturn of income and expenditure in the year. 


Members noted a net under spend in the income of £141,834 and that as agreed previously by the Joint Committee, the balance was transferred to the Major Capital Works reserve.  The Joint Committee learned that there were under spends within the following areas: employees, agency (small body return), premises (NNDR) and savings associated with cremator testing and maintenance not being required as the new cremators had were tested as part of the installation process.  It was added that, as previously reported, additional costs associated with the required drainage works had balanced against savings made, including the budget for path and roadway repairs. 


The Principal Accountant reminded Members that the budget as set for 2011/12 had been prudent, taking into account projections for fewer cremations as a result of the major capital works and while the works did not affect the number of cremations, as previous explained by the Superintendent and Registrar, the death rate was the lowest recorded, with the 4% reduction mirroring the reduced numbers of cremations.


The Joint Committee noted the Cremator Replacement and Redevelopment Project budget was still on track at approximately £2.4 Million with a slight movement in the capital against fees, however, the bottom line remained consistent.


The Chair noted the saving against the Pandemic Operator training and the Superintendent and Registrar reminded Members that the replacement Cremator Operator had been recruited and that training was in place as regards pandemic operation.


The Chair also asked if all the reserves were required for capital works and the Principal Account noted that at the Annual General Meeting, Members would receive the annual Statement of Accounts report and may wish to discuss issues around the reserves accordingly.




(i)         That Members note the April 2011 to March 2012 Revenue Spend       Financial Monitoring Report and associated provisional outturn position          2011/12.

(ii)        That Members note the April 2011 to March 2012 capital spend and    projected outturn for the redevelopment project.        


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