Agenda item

DM/23/02330/FPA - Land West Of Low Hardwick Farm, Sedgefield

Conversion of agricultural land to wetland habitats with associated engineering works and creation of temporary access bridge


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer with regards to an application for the Conversion of agricultural land to wetland habitats with associated engineering works and creation of temporary access bridge at Land West of Low Hardwick Farm, Sedgefield (for copy see file of minutes).


C Harvey, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included a site location plan, aerial photographs, site photographs, proposed site location plan and the temporary access bridge plan.


Councillor Currah queried whether the landowner received any payment for the change of use and the Applicant advised that it was leased from the County Council however no payment was issued for the change of use.


Councillor Elmer complimented the application which would restore an area of landscape to how it would have historically appeared.  Due to one hundred years of artificial grazing the water table had lowered and this scheme would see the return of an area of fen vegetation, which was a rarity in the north east due to the extension of land drainage.  This method of restoration would recreate wetland areas and see animals and plants return and it would give a vital understanding of how quickly they could restore.  This was a positive step towards restoring habitat and functionality of natural systems and accorded with the Councils ecological response plan.  He assumed that Durham Wildlife Trust would operate a Membership model for access to the nature reserve. 


Councillor Elmer moved the recommendation to approve the application and it was seconded by Councillor Brown who agreed with his statement.  It was moderate agricultural land on a flood plaine and she was pleased to see 35 hectares of land being given back to wildlife.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

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