Agenda item

7/2012/0027/DM - Unit 4 George Reynolds Industrial Estate, Shildon

Change of use from warehouse to indoor soccer facility with associated facilities


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Inch gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report which included photographs of the site. He advised Members that since the report had been circulated the objection received from the Director of Shildon AFC Development Centre had been withdrawn and the Centre was now fully in support of the application.


J Lavender, the applicant’s agent addressed the Committee. He stated that if approved the development would provide a much needed facility in the South West Durham area. At present the nearest alternative facility of a similar standard was Soccerena in Durham.


The applicant had received support from a wide range of organisations and clubs, and J Lavender read extracts from 2 letters of support from Durham County Football Association and Wear Valley and Teesdale Schools Sports Partnership.  In offering its support the Football Association had made reference to a Community Use Agreement. J Lavender confirmed that the applicant would be willing to enter into an Agreement if deemed necessary.


In discussing the application Members noted the objections received from the Chairman of Shildon AFC Supporters Club in relation to the Scouts Memorial Field and the impact the proposals may have on its use. The applicant’s agent advised that the new centre would be complimentary and additional to existing facilities and would not adversely affect the usage of the Scouts Memorial Field.


In response to a query about the use of the premises the Principal Planning Officer explained that restricting it to an indoor football facility would prevent the building being used for any other purposes which could have a detrimental impact on the vitality and viability of Shildon Town Centre. However this would not preclude planning applications for change of use in the future.


Members considered that the proposals would be of benefit to the area and would bring a disused building back into use. The Committee also felt that a condition should be included which would require the submission of a Community Use Agreement by the applicant.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to an additional condition requiring the applicant to submit a Community Use Agreement; the wording of such condition to be delegated to the Principal Planning Officer.





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