Agenda item

7/2012/0054/DM - Land West of Woodlea House, Horse Close Lane, Trimdon Colliery

Outline application for the erection of a dormer bungalow (re-submission)


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Inch, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report which included photographs of the site.


Councillor Brookes addressed the Committee in support of the application and circulated a plan of the village dated 1939. The site was currently occupied by a range of agricultural buildings and a brick built joinery workshop. All the buildings were in a state of disrepair and unused. A fire recently destroyed a timber barn and whilst permission could be granted to erect an agricultural building it would be out of character with this residential area.


Although the proposed development was outside the residential framework of Trimdon Colliery there were other properties immediately to the north and east of the site. A new dwelling would consolidate an area which was already considered by local people to be residential. The site was sustainable, close to existing amenities and the proposed development would improve an untidy piece of land.


He referred to Regional Planning Policy and Policy 4 of the RSS stating that whilst the site was classed as greenfield and not previously developed land, a dwelling within a residential location should be preferable to an agricultural building.


The draft NPPF noted that planning authorities should avoid, but not necessarily refuse applications for isolated homes in the countryside unless there were special circumstances. This site was not isolated or in the open countryside. He referred to the 1939 map which showed that in previous years this site was at the bottom of a terraced row of colliery houses known as ‘the coffee pot’ by local people.


Councillor L Hovvels, local Member, reiterated the views of Councillor Brookes and added that local people believed that the site was in the heart of the community and that it was within the settlement framework of Trimdon Colliery. The site was sustainable, being close to existing amenities including a bus stop.    The area was already saturated with agricultural buildings and the proposed bungalow would contribute to the continuing environmental improvements in a village that had experienced decline following colliery closures.  The Member also referred to the Localism Act 2011 which placed emphasis on the views of local people when making decisions about development in their community.


Mr K Ryder, the applicant’s agent addressed the Committee and circulated 3 photographs of the site. The applicant had owned the land since 1977 and had worked on it until his retirement 5 years ago. He was a long-term resident of Trimdon Colliery and the bungalow would be specially adapted to meet his health needs.



The site was occupied by unused agricultural buildings and if refused a further agricultural building could be erected directly opposite local residents. The building was close to other dwellinghouses and to local amenities. The applicant had taken on board the comments of Highways and would locate the access to the north of the site.


The Principal Planning Officer acknowledged the comments made in respect of the NPPF but advised that in terms of implementation it did not change the statutory status of the development plan as the starting point for determining planning applications. He also clarified that planning permission would be required for the erection of an agricultural building on the site. Members were advised that until the abolition of the RSS the Localism Act 2011 was not a consideration in planning terms.


In discussing the application a Member commented that Trimdon Colliery, as a former mining village was in need of investment. The Committee also felt that the site was close to other dwellinghouses within the settlement framework and had been an intrinsic part of the village in the past. The proposal would tidy an area of land that was an important gateway to Trimdon Colliery.




That the application be approved and the Principal Planning Officer be granted delegated authority to formulate appropriate conditions.



The proposal represents an acceptable housing development in terms of its location based on its proximity to the settlement framework, and in terms of access, parking, privacy and amenity. The development will improve the appearance of the site which is an important gateway into Trimdon Colliery.





Supporting documents: