Agenda item

Framwellgate Moor - Proposed Traffic Calming - Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy & Growth


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth regarding representations received during the formal consultation period in respect of a proposal to introduce traffic calming to effect a 20mph zone on Front Street, Framwellgate Moor (for copy, see file of minutes).


Kieron Moralee, Traffic Management Section Manager, presented background to the proposal explaining that the scheme was part of the wider public realm works for the regeneration of Framwellgate Moor to enhance the retail area and the traffic calming and speed reduction measures would improve road safety.  During the Covid-19 pandemic, a temporary 20mph speed limit was imposed as part of the emergency active travel project on Front Street, to encourage active travel during the time of reduced access to public transport.  The traffic calming measure was proposed in order to support the existing 20mph speed limit and create a 20mph zone.  The Committee viewed a presentation which detailed the scheme proposals (for copy of presentation see file). 


During the formal consultation period, one objection had been received.  The objector was unable to attend the meeting, however, further to their original objection as detailed in pages 11 to 12 of the report, a further email submission from the objector had been received which was circulated to the Committee in advance of the meeting.  The Traffic Management Section Manager summarised the points made by the objector in their original submission and Durham County Council’s response.  With regard to the additional submission, the Traffic Management Section Manager explained this related to a request for a further speed table instead of speed cushions.  The Traffic Management Section Manager responded that the introduction of a speed table would be expensive and it was not necessary as the steep bend was a natural speed reduction feature.  Furthermore, the introduction of a speed table would not reduce the need for intermediate cushions along Front Street.  


The Chair noted that the three local members had raised no objections to the proposal.


In response to a request from Councillor Wood who asked for details of funding for the scheme, Michelle McIntosh, Traffic Assets Team Leader, undertook to forward the information to Councillor Wood following the meeting. Councillor Wood commented that the additional submission seemed to be somewhat contradictory in that the objector requested an extra speed table however they also stated that, in the current economic climate, it was an unnecessary expense.  In addition, the objector indicated their support for a 20mph speed limit but not a 20mph speed limit with speed cushions. 

Councillor Wood stated he was satisfied that the points raised had been addressed and the objection should be set aside.


Councillor Oliver commented the proposal appeared to be a positive initiative and he asked for clarification on congestion and parking on Front Street. The Traffic Management Section Manager clarified that there was provision for off-street parking and there were double-yellow line restrictions on one side of the road. Both lanes of traffic were for the most part unrestricted.  


Councillor Mavin seconded the recommendation.


Councillor Duffy spoke in favour of the proposal saying he was familiar with the area and the 20mph restriction and he raised his concern that removing the existing measures would lead to vehicles speeding.


Councillor Sterling also expressed her support for the 20mph speed limit, however, she felt that the proposal included a high number of speed cushions and asked for clarification as to why that was the case.  The officers explained that design guidance was followed as best practice and that a number of speed cushions were required in order to provide uniformity and the consistency of spacing reduced the opportunity for speeding.


Moved by Councillor Wood, Seconded by Councillor Mavin


Upon a vote being taken the Committee unanimously:




To endorse the proposal, in principle, to introduce the traffic calming scheme on Front Street, Framwellgate Moor to effect a 20 mph zone, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director, under delegated powers.


Supporting documents: