The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which advised Members of objections to the consultation concerning changes to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in Peterlee and Horden (for copy, see file of minutes).
The Traffic Management Section Manager delivered a presentation which included a location plan of the proposal to introduce no waiting at any time restrictions at Pennine Drive, Peterlee (for copy, see file).
The Committee noted Pennine Drive was a major though route and residents had raised concerns regarding the manner of parking by parents of children attending nearby schools which can result in the carriageway being obstructed at the junctions of Van Mildert Close and Lorimers Close, leading to Pennine Drive. Durham Constabulary had requested the restrictions be extended further north, as parking on the bend caused obstructions. The primary focus of the proposal, therefore, was road safety.
The Committee noted that during the formal consultation three objections were received, one was later withdrawn leaving two outstanding objections. The objectors were not present at the meeting and the Traffic Management Section Manager summarised the objections and the Council’s response as detailed in pages 25 to 27 of the report.
In moving the recommendation, Councillor Sterling commented that, on viewing the photographs of the junction on page 45 of the report, the proposal under consideration seemed eminently sensible.
Councillor Duffy stated he was familiar with the location and the high prevalence of inconsiderate parking and he questioned whether any enforcement action had taken place.
The Traffic Management Section Manager agreed to take Councillor Duffy’s comments back to the service and he highlighted the importance of intelligence from Members which helps to inform where targeted enforcement may be necessary, particularly in rural areas. Councillor Sutton-Lloyd stressed that when measures are put in place, this should be followed-up to ensure they are having the desired effect.
Seconding the recommendation, Councillor Higgins stated that on visiting the location, he shared Councillor Duffy’s concerns.
Moved by Councillor Sterling, Seconded by Councillor Higgins.
Upon a vote being taken the Committee unanimously:
To endorse the proposal, in principle, to introduce the Peterlee and Horden Parking and Waiting Restrictions Traffic Regulation Amendment Order 2023, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director, under delegated powers.
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