Agenda item

Complaints Update


The Panel considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services which provided an update on complaints relating to the PCC or the Deputy PCC (for copy see file of Minutes). 


It was noted that the last report the Panel received in relation to complaints was at its meeting on 21 September, with one further complaint received since that meeting.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted the complaint would be dealt with via the usual procedure under Part B of the agenda.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted a complaint had been received in October wishing to escalate a complaint relating to an operational matter.  It was noted it fell outside of the scope of the Panel and, after consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair, the complainant was informed their complaint was outside of the scope of the Panel.

The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted she had responded to a request to meet with Chair, outlining the remit of the Panel.


Councillor L Hovvels noted there was a lack of understanding by some of the role of the Panel and noted there may be benefit in improved communications in that regard.




That the report be noted.


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