Agenda item

Police and Crime Panel Work Programme Priorities


The Panel considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services which provided an update on the work programme priorities for the Police and Crime Panel (for copy see file of Minutes). 


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted the Panel had agreed its work programme at the June meeting, however, it was intended to be flexible so that matters could be added throughout the course of the year.  She noted that where items are added to the work programme, it can impact on the capacity to deliver existing items on the work programme and make agendas very weighty.  Specifically, there were a number of matters the Panel had requested to come to the next meeting which necessitated a review of the work programme.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted that such matters included the former telecommunications mast, external scrutiny review and latest FMICFRS report.  She noted the issue raised in terms of a breakdown of the statistics relating to violent crime, which had been requested under Item 5.


The PCC noted she could provide a breakdown of the statistics to be circulated via e-mail to the Panel.  The Chair asked if R Rodiss would be acceptable to information to be provided via e-mail, he agreed.  R Rodiss noted the issue in respect of the former telecommunications mast, being Grade 2 Listed.  He added he did not feel the HMICFRS report should not be considered separately, and the new Chief Constable should attend to explain the drop in the overall rating.  The Chief of Staff, OPCC, Andrea Petty noted the issue had been raised with the Chief Constable.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted that the meeting on 1 February would be looking at the PCC’s Precept and noted the Panel may wish to schedule an additional special meeting if they felt necessary in terms of the HMICFRS report.  The Chair noted the report referred to a lot of business for the 1 February meeting and she felt an additional special meeting would be beneficial in terms of managing the items. 


The Vice-Chair agreed.  Councillor R Potts noted he also agreed, with a few items to be listed for each meeting.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted that the items listed in red within the report could be added to a special meeting, with a date to be decided.  The PCC noted that information relating to the HMICFRS report could be provided to put the Durham rating in the context of other Forces and the new inspection regime.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services confirmed that Members would be contacted as regards a special meeting date after consultation with the Chair/Vice-Chair and OPCC.




(i)     That the report be noted.

(ii)   That a special meeting be added to the diary of meetings for the Panel.


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