Agenda item

Quarter Two 2023/24 Performance Management Report - Report of the Chief Executive Officer


The Committee received a report of the Chief Executive Officer which provided an overview of progress towards delivery of the key priorities within the Council Plan 2023-27 in line with the council’s corporate performance framework (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


Gemma Wilkinson, Strategy Team Leader presented the report and provided a summary of the main messages regarding performance for the Service Grouping, noting progress to date and areas that were being addressed.


Councillor R Crute referred to households prevented from homelessness and helped to stay in their home in the Housing Vulnerable People KPI data tables on page 277, and queried how the data was being recorded as the overall assessment and direction of travel indicator showed positive, however the figures were below the national and regional and were below the previous 12 month figures and suggested that they should be shown as red in the Rag rating. The Strategy Team Leader advised that she would take a closer look at the indicators and feedback to Councillor Crute.


Mrs R Morris commented that she understood that running a bus company was a business and if the service was not being used it would be removed, however she was concerned that services were lifelines for many elderly people in remote areas and queried if the Service Grouping was addressing this and what actions were being taken to maintain bus services in rural communities. The Strategy Team Leader advised that she would take this question back to the service for a response.


Councillor C Lines referred to the multi-modal day ticket and queried when the uptake data would be available. He noted that the lack of bus services to connect to other modes of transport was an issue for the County. Councillor A Batey added that there would be a data lag due to the bus strikes and that it would probably be some time before realistic data could be captured with potentially a true analysis not being available until late spring. The Strategy Team Leader confirmed that the scheme is a regional scheme and advised that she would forward to members any available data.


Responding to a query from Councillor M Stead regarding the Selective Licensing Scheme, the Strategy Team Leader confirmed that 37% of private sector properties were now fully licenced, however 63% of properties covered by the scheme were not registered.



That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to quarter two performance, and the actions being taken to address areas of challenge be noted.


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