Councillor L Brown, in relation to Items 5a and 5b, noted she was a Member of the City of Durham Parish Council, however, she was not a member of their Planning Committee and had not had any input into their submission in objection to applications on the agenda.
She added that she was a member of the City of Durham Trust, however she was not a Trustee and had not been party to their submissions in objection to applications on the agenda.
The Chair, Councillor D Freeman, in relation to Items 5a and 5b, noted he was a Member of the City of Durham Parish Council, however, he was not a member of their Planning Committee and had not had any input into their submission in objection to applications on the agenda. He added that he was a member of the City of Durham Trust, however he was not a Trustee and had not been party to their submissions in objection to applications on the agenda.
Councillor D Oliver, in respect of Item 5a, noted he was a member of the South Durham College Advisory Board, however, he had not had any input into their submission in objection to application on the agenda.
Councillor P Jopling, in respect of Item 5a, noted she was a member of the Adults, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, however, she had no involvement in respect of the application on the agenda.
There were no declarations of interest submitted.