Agenda item

DM/23/00294/FPA - Belmont Church Of England Junior School, Buckinghamshire Road, Belmont, Durham, DH1 2QP

Demolition of existing school buildings with the exception of the drama block


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding the demolition of existing school buildings with the exception of the drama block at Belmont Church Of England Junior School, Buckinghamshire Road, Belmont, Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included a site location plan, aerial photographs, site photographs before construction and of the existing school buildings, the approved site layout plan and visualisation.


Ms J Patterson spoke on behalf of the Applicant to confirm that the approval of this application would enable the delivery of the full masterplan for this site.  The demolition of existing buildings would free up the space to deliver the playing fields which would facilitate the enhancement of education and community facilities and allow the final stages of the scheme to be implemented.


Councillor C Martin moved the recommendation for approval which was seconded by Councillor Atkinson.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in the report.</AI6>

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