Agenda item

Motions on Notice

Councillor A Batey to Move


Due to the concerns raised by business and local residents, this Council calls on the Cabinet to reconsider the decision to end Free Parking After 2pm.



Councillor K Shaw to Move


This Council has incurred costs of £1.2m forming Levelling Up Funding bids which it submitted to Government.


This Council calls on Cabinet to consider seeking a judicial review of the process of how bids were determined by Government in rounds 2 and 3.


Moved by Councillor A Batey, Seconded by Councillor P Sexton


Due to the concerns raised by business and local residents, this Council calls on the Cabinet to reconsider the decision to end Free Parking After 2pm.


A named vote on the Motion was requested.


Councillor A Hopgood informed Council, on behalf of Cabinet, that she accepted the Motion as tabled and unamended and Moved that the Motion be put to the vote.  Seconded by Councillor R Bell.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services explained that a Closure Motion had been moved and seconded to put the question to a vote and it was for the Chair to determine whether the item had been sufficiently discussed, and if so, the Chair would put the Procedural Motion to the vote.


Council unanimously agreed the Procedural Motion.


A named vote on the Motion was then taken.


For the Motion

Councillors M Abley, E Adam, R Adcock-Forster, V Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, C Bell, R Bell, C Bihari, G Binney, J Blakey, D Boyes, D Brown, L Brown, J Cairns, J Chaplow, R Charlton-Lainé, J Charlton, J Cosslett, B Coult, R Crute, M Currah, S Deinali, T Duffy, K Earley, J Elmer, K Fantarrow, L Fenwick, C Fletcher, D Freeman, J Griffiths, O Gunn, D Hall, C Hampson, D Haney, A Hanson, P Heaviside, T Henderson, S Henig, L A Holmes, C Hood, A Hopgood, L Hovvels, J Howey, C Hunt, G Hutchinson, A Jackson, M Johnson, N Jones, P Jopling, B Kellett, C Lines, L Maddison, R Manchester, C Marshall, C Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, B McAloon, S McDonnell, M McGaun (Vice-Chair), D McKenna, M McKeon, I McLean, S McMahon, J Miller, B Moist, D Mulholland, D Nicholls, D Oliver, R Ormerod, E Peeke, R Potts, P Pringle, J Purvis, J Quinn, S Quinn, A Reed, G Richardson, I Roberts, S Robinson, K Robson, K Rooney, J Rowlandson, A Savory, E Scott, J Scurfield, P Sexton, K Shaw, A Shield, J Shuttleworth, M Simmons, A Simpson, G Smith, T Smith, M Stead, W Stelling, A Sterling, D Stoker, T Stubbs, A Surtees, D Sutton-Lloyd, P Taylor, F Tinsley, S Townsend, E Waldock, M Walton, A Watson, M Wilkes, M Wilson, S Wilson, D Wood and R Yorke


The Motion was approved.


Moved by Councillor K Shaw, Seconded by Councillor F Tinsley


This Council has incurred costs of £1.2m forming Levelling Up Funding bids which it submitted to Government.


This Council calls on Cabinet to consider seeking a judicial review of the process of how bids were determined by Government in rounds 2 and 3.


In moving his motion Councillor Shaw informed Council that he had written to the Leader of the Council on behalf of the Labour Group on 14 December 2023 asking that a judicial review be sought for reimbursement from Government to recover the costs of refused levelling up bids but unfortunately no response was received.


Councillor A Hopgood informed Council that the Joint Administration accepted the Motion unamended and apologised to Councillor Shaw for the lack of response to his email which, upon checking, did not appear to have been received.  Councillor Hopgood Moved that the Motion be put to the vote, Seconded by Councillor A Shield.  Councillor Shaw clarified that the email he was referring to had been sent through the Labour Group Secretary.


Council unanimously agreed the Procedural Motion.


Council unanimously agreed the Motion.