Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny - Six Monthly Update - Report of Corporate Director of Resources


The Council noted a six-monthly update report from Overview and Scrutiny (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor R Crute, Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board presented the Overview and Scrutiny update which set out some of the activity undertaken in the past six months.


Councillor Crute informed Council that the six-month period had again been a very busy period for scrutiny, which continued to encourage inclusiveness and transparency in its work and aimed to increase its input into policy development.


Scrutiny continued to be guided by the four principles of effective scrutiny:


·               To provide a constructive critical friend challenge;

·               To amplify the voices and concerns of the public;

·               To drive improvement in public services; and

·To be led by independent minded people who take responsibility for
their role


Councillor Crute then provided some brief examples of work covered to date.


The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board had again contributed to the budget process through consideration and scrutiny of the MTFP 14.


The Board had also scrutinised the Council’s proposals as part of the Community Engagement Review and in particular the role of the Area Action Partnerships and potential changes to their Governance arrangements under any revised model.


The Adults, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee had examined proposals for the North East North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and its Forward Plan as well as the outcomes of recent CQC Inspections into TEWV and CDDFT.


The Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee welcomed the opportunity to comment on the Council’s Home to School Transport services consultation. The response to the proposals put forward following consultation raised a number of issues that were debated in both Management Board and Council. The Committee had asked for further reports back on several outstanding Home to School Transport Issues.


The Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee had continued its input into the Inclusive Economic Strategy and its Delivery Plan with a particular focus on the development of the IES Delivery Plan and an associated Investment plan.  The Committee continued to monitor progress on some of the Council’s major projects including the Leisure Transformation Strategy and masterplans for settlements across the County.

The Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee had built on previous work in respect of the Council’s declaration of an Ecological Emergency by scrutinising the Ecological Emergency Action Plan (EEAP) including actions planned and delivered against key Action Plan themes.


The Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee had examined the Safe Durham Partnership’s statutory duties regarding Counter Terrorism. Members noted the “Channel” initiative which adopted a multi-agency approach to identifying and supporting individuals who were vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.


Councillor Crute thanked all Scrutiny Members for their attendance at Scrutiny meetings, their contributions in driving forward individual thematic work programs and the taking of the opportunity to participate in ongoing training and development sessions.  Councillor Crute also thanked the officer team for their part in helping deliver the Work Programs of the Management Board and each of the thematic committees.

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