Agenda item

Children Looked After Strategic Partnership (CLASP) Update - Report of Strategic Manager, Children in Our Care


The Panel considered the Children Looked After Strategic Partnership update report presented by Sharon Davey, Strategic Manager (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes). 


The Strategic Manager delivered the presentation which provided details of the eight key priority areas to achieve the CLASP vision. The Panel noted the work of the CLASP continues to build multi-agency partnerships and promote collaborative working to meet the needs of young people in our care and care leavers, up to the age of 25.


The Strategic Manager emphasised the importance of young people’s engagement to achieve the key priorities and she spoke of the positive feedback received throughout the year with regard to how well the young people influence services. It was noted that young people were particularly proactive in the opening of the Care Leavers’ Hub at Chester le Street; the production of the ‘Know, What, When’ interactive book and the setting up of an ‘Experts in Experience’ group. 


The launch of a prison support pilot at HMP Durham has enabled Young People’s Advisers to visit and support care experienced young people in the prison. The success of the pilot has led neighbouring authorities to offer the same support to their care experienced young people.


Priority actions in the workplan for 2024 include to build on the feedback received from the Care Leavers’ Service inspection, to evaluate the newly formed education subgroups and the performance with regard to early permanence, with input from the Regional Adoption Agency Manager who is now part of CLASP.  The Service will also work with CLASP members to establish a framework to measure success.


The Vice-Chair asked what support was provided to train staff who are engaged in providing employment opportunities for young people and the Strategic Manager responded that the establishment of NEET clinics help to track young people’s progress. Information gathered at the clinics is then reported to CLASP meetings, bi-monthly. The Education Sub-Group provides additional support to Social Workers to ensure young people achieve their potential and the group includes representation from Strategic Managers, Residential Home Managers, the Virtual School Head and Durham Works.


The Chair announced that it was to be Sharon Davey’s last meeting and the Panel expressed their thanks to Sharon for all her hard work and they wished her well for the future.





That the report and presentation be noted.


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