Agenda item

Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Update - Report of Head of Children's Social Care


Sharon Davey, Strategic Manager, presented an update on the work of the Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Team (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes). 


The Panel noted that most UASC arrive through the Home Office Transfer Scheme, however some arrive unexpectedly as spontaneous arrivals.

The UASC Team was established in February 2022 due to the increased demand for social work capacity and care provision for UASC. UASC are represented on the Children in Care Council and work to establish the profile of UASC has assisted the Children in Care Council to tailor their UASC offer.


The Strategic Manager thanked all those who had provided support to develop the service, including the Early Help Service, the National Youth Advocacy Service and voluntary and community groups including local sports clubs and businesses whose contribution had helped the young people to feel part of the community.


The Vice-Chair referred to the diverse profile of UASC and asked whether translation services were available for the many different nationalities. The Strategic Manager replied that translation services were available and the Deputy Director of Children’s Services explained that the Education Service also provides support through the English as an Additional Language (EAL) service. He highlighted that many of the young people have a good command of the English language on arrival and they are fully committed to learning English with many attending ESOL (English as a Second Language) courses. The Head of the Virtual School commented that support is also available through the FlashAcademy online language learning facility and a teaching agency may be used to provide lessons to young people awaiting a school placement.


Councillor Quinn spoke of the dedication of staff who are committed to breaking down barriers in order to do everything possible to support young people and she thanked staff for their good work.




That the report and presentation be noted.

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