Agenda item

Mayor - Travelling and Subsistence.


The Clerk to the Charter Trustees submitted a comprehensive report on the introduction of an expenses form for use by the Mayor, as suggested by the Auditors.


A copy of the draft form was circulated together with a copy of the proposed travelling and expenses subsistence allowances for the Mayor which were in line with those available to Members of Durham County Council.


The Clerk advised Trustees that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor had received an invitation to attend Staffordshire Arboretum War Memorial Unveiling and authority was sought for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to attend.


The Clerk advised Trustees that the event commenced at 10.15 am, so overnight accommodation may be required. A cost effective form of travel would be used.


Trustees sought clarification if the Travelling and Subsistence Scheme was for Trustees or just the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. The Clerk advised Trustees that the scheme was only for the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor (when deputising for the Mayor).


Resolved: (i)That the form and scheme be introduced to ensure that Charter Trustees operate a clear and transparent system for the payment of travelling and subsistence.


(ii) That authorisation be given for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to attend the event in Staffordshire.



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