Agenda item

Commissioner Victims' Champions


The Panel considered a report and presentation from the Police and Crime Commissioner which gave an overview of the work of the Victims’ Champions, presented by Michael Banks and Andrea Patterson, the Crime and Domestic Abuse Champions respectively (for copy see file of minutes).


The Chair thanked the Victims’ Champions and asked as regards victims and intimidation.  The Chief Constable noted the trust and confidence, and quality or the conversations with victims and highlighted the investment made in terms of domestic abuse resources.  She noted the improved journey for victims, with regular contact, helping to speed up the criminal justice process, and signposting to independent services if required.  She noted as regards interventions and the strong powers that were available and noted the importance of supporting the confidence of victims in being able to report intimidation.  The PCC noted that at the court stage, the Victims’ Champions were highlighting issues such as shared use of entrances, waiting rooms, vending machines and other facilities between victims and perpetrators. 

M Banks noted there was victim care support services, independent sexual violence advocates and domestic abuse advocates.


Councillor D Boyes noted issues of ASB in his area and asked where he should direct residents to, was it the Police, ASB Team, or Community Protection at DCC.  He noted the time it took for courts to list cases and that the public did not feel sentences were sufficient in many cases.  He noted the use of the Checkpoint scheme, and raised concern in respect use of this where people were caught in possession of a blade, highlighting a number of high-profile stabbings of young people.


M Banks noted the backlog within the courts system, almost caught up following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  He added that it was not acceptable that victims of rape and sexual assault were sometimes into a second year before cases were heard, highlighting the impact upon victims trying to move on with their lives.  He noted that a positive was that Durham had one of the lowest backlogs nationally and noted meetings between the PCC and a Durham Judge, with the Judge suggesting special courts for victims of sexual crimes and for victims of domestic abuse.


A Patterson noted that information as regards where ASB could be reported was set out on the Councils’ websites, as well as the Police and OPCC websites.  She noted it broke down which organisation was responsible for different areas of ASB.  Councillor D Boyes asked who was at the apex.  A Patterson noted it was managed by the Safe Durham Partnership, highlighting areas of joint responsibility.  She noted the aspiration for a single point of contact, and work relating to ICT to enable this. 

She added that introduction of ‘salesforce’, as previously mentioned, would help provide additional functionality.  She noted improvements with around a 30 percent increase in reporting.  The PCC noted that in ASB hotspots that cards were delivered to each household with contact information in respect of who to report incidents to.


The Chief Constable noted the comments in relation to knife crime and agreed it was a big issue.  She highlighted that Checkpoint had been very successful in terms of preventing reoffending, however, she took on board the point made in terms of public confidence.  She emphasised that domestic abuse cases would not be taken through Checkpoint.


Councillor R Potts asked as regards Victim Case Reviews relating to children.  A Patterson noted that the report and presentation related to ASB was separate and there were case reviews for those, working to look at repeat ASB.  The Chief Constable noted she would be very happy to speak to Councillor R Potts as regards Victim Case Reviews and stated that Durham Constabulary was protecting the children of County Durham.


Councillor G Lee complimented the focus on victims, and he noted the improvements in terms of tackling intimidation and the atmosphere within the court setting.  He asked that his thanks be passed on to all those working in that regard.  He noted that ASB was one of the largest issues raised with Councillors by their local residents.




That the report and presentation be noted.


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