Agenda item

Local Government Association "Debate Not Hate" Campaign


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer which informed the Committee of any developments in relation to the Local Government Association (LGA)’s Debate Not Hate campaign (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Lawyer, Commercial & Corporate Governance provided Members with an update advising that she would be attending a regional LGA and ANEC event next week with one of the Cabinet Members. The event would be around stability in public health and would be considering how to put in place the zero-tolerance approach in practice and she would report back to the Committee on the outcome of the event.


Councillor Stubbs indicated that home addresses of Members should not be publicised as they had mailboxes in County Hall.


Councillor Tinsley indicated his view that there be a consistent approach on Member addresses.


Resolved: (i) That the contents of the report be noted.


(ii) That a report be brought to the next Standards Committee meeting to consider a draft zero-tolerance of abuse policy.


(iii) That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services circulates the LGA guidance on safe canvassing practices to all Members.

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