Agenda item

Royal Marine Band Service.


The Clerk to the Charter Trustees submitted a report providing Trustees details of the Mayor’s suggestion of offering the Freedom of the City to the Royal Marine Band Service in the Queens Jubilee Year.


Councillor Southwell moved that the Freedom of the City be offered to the Royal Marine Band Service. Councillor Foster Seconded.


Councillor Woods moved an amendment that the Charter Trustees receive a further report setting out the criteria and the links between the Royal Marine Band Service and the City prior to a decision being made. Councillor Mavin Seconded.


Trustees voted on the amendment which was approved.


Resolved: That consideration of the item be deferred until the meeting to be held on 28 June 2012 for a further report detailing the criteria for granting the Freedom of the City and the links between the Royal Marine Band Service and the City.

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