Agenda item

Solar Energy and Housing Needs Supplementary Planning Documents - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which sought approval to commence consultation on the second drafts of the Solar Energy and Housing Needs Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). Both documents support the County Durham Plan (CDP) that was adopted in October 2020 (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillor E Scott, Cabinet Portfolio for Economy and Partnerships explained that the County Durham Plan was adopted in October 2020. The Solar Energy and Housing Needs Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) supplemented its content. Solar SPDs would support County Durham in achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2045 by providing guidance to ensure that solar panels were appropriately sited and designed. The Housing Needs SPD would help the Council meet the different housing needs in communities, including homes for older people. The importance of consultation was paramount and comments would be invited on the policies for six weeks to inform their final content.


Councillor J Rowlandson, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Resources, Investments and Assets explained that the SPDs provided additional detail and clarity on what was required for new development to be acceptable, expanding on the policies of the CDP and provided certainty for developers and reassurance for residents.




That the recommendations in the report be approved.

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