Agenda item

DM/23/02905/FPA Plot 3B Merchant Park, Millennium Way, Aycliffe Business Park, DL5 6UG

Erection of industrial buildings including ancillary office space together with associated works


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding erection of industrial buildings including ancillary office space together with associated works at Plot 3B Merchant Park Millennium Way Aycliffe Business Park DL5 6UG (for copy see file of minutes).


L Morina, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included a site location plan, aerial photographs, site photographs and a proposed site location plan.


Councillor Atkinson moved the recommendation on the basis that there were no objections from consultees or members of the public and there were economic benefits in the form of jobs in the local area.


Councillor Elmer had no objections, although he suggested that applications with significant amounts of roof space had opportunities for solar generation, even if it was not used to power the building and hoped the planning team would be proactive in advising.  He was familiar with the area having surveyed it before and it was extremely valuable for wildlife.  It was positive to see that the Applicant had worked with Hitachi to consider ecology at a larger scale.


Councillor Bell seconded the recommendation.




hat the application be APPROVED, subject to a Section 39 Agreement to secure the long term management, maintenance and monitoring of the biodiversity land in accordance with a Biodiversity Management and Monitoring Plan (BMMP) and the conditions outlined in the report.

Supporting documents: