Agenda item

North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Quality Account 2023/24 Priorities and Performance Update


The Committee received a presentation from North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust on the 2023/24 Quality Account priorities and performance update (for copy of slides, see file of minutes).


Tracy Gilchrist, Deputy Director of Quality and Safety, North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust was in attendance to deliver the presentation that focused on the overview of Quality Report requirements; current position and performance and update on 2023/24 priorities.


Councillor Early referred to data sharing and asked what progress had been made on this.


The Deputy Director of Quality and Safety responded that they now had dashboards in the background and now that they were under the NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) the data was a lot more open and transparent and they had a dashboard that everyone could access. She commented that the data was only as good as what was been inputted and they would challenge any discrepancies. They have an ICB Lead within the organisation which was about data sharing going forward so if they had two organisations involved in patient care they would work together on that incident. It was now about collaborative working and each of the organisations have a learner response lead and patient safety specialist to ensure those things were happening, identifying problems and if recurring report these to the board.


Resolved: That the contents of the presentation be noted.

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