Agenda item

Consideration of the Ongoing Suitability of a Hackney Carriage Driver


The Chair welcomed the Licence Holder and two persons in support of the Licence Holder to the meeting. Introductions were made and the meeting procedure was outlined.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change to determine the ongoing suitability of a Hackney Carriage Driver which was presented by the Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer.  Unverified character references in support of the Licence Holder were circulated to the Sub-Committee at the meeting (for copy of report and additional information, see file of minutes). 


PC Alan Newcombe of Durham Constabulary provided background information in relation to the police records held on the Licence Holder; the incident under consideration and the progress of the live investigation.


The Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer and PC Alan Newcombe answered questions.


One of Licence Holder’s supporting persons addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the Licence Holder and the Licence Holder and the supporting persons answered questions.


After the parties were given the opportunity to make a closing statement, the Sub-Committee retired to deliberate the matter, in private, at 2.15pm.  After reconvening at approximately 2.30pm, the Chair delivered the decision of the Sub-Committee.




That the Licence Holder’s hackney carriage driver’s licence be revoked with immediate effect.