Agenda item

Any Items from Co-opted Members or Interested Parties


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer read out the following statement that had been received from Ms R Evans – Co-opted Member:


“I have informed the Overview and Scrutiny Team that I will be stepping down as coopted member after this meeting. I am finding it increasingly difficult to devote the time to the committee and think that it is time for a fresh face to take over. I am unable to attend today but hope that my comments might be read to the meeting.


In terms of the subjects of the meeting - school inclusion, performance, and home education - I know the tremendous work undertaken by Council departments and teachers, along with other staff in schools. However, there is a huge issue with how society nurtures our young people and the support and help it affords them. I do not believe that looking at individual statistics on inclusion, Ofsted reports etc goes much way to addressing these issues. There is a systemic problem in schools - in my view largely caused by academisation, resulting in lack of local accountability by families and the increasingly limited control of the democratically elected local Council. The support services for children and young people, including youth services, health services, careers services, leisure services (I could go on...), are non-existent or really difficult to access for most young people. This has happened after years of funding cuts. Another vital consideration is the overall levels of poverty in County Durham, with all the challenges this presents to families - and with the current cost of living crisis adding considerably to existing poverty. If we are to improve the lives of children, young people, and their families in County Durham we need a dramatic change in approach - and much of this is currently out of the Council's control. We must always do our best to improve the situation, and positive interventions are always worthwhile, but it is big, systemic changes that are also needed. I would hope that the Council is lobbying for such changes at every opportunity it has.


Finally, I would like to thank the Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and particularly the staff team, who have supported me, as a member of the public, to engage with this committee.  I send my very best wishes to you all.”


Councillor Crute asked that a letter be sent to Ms Evans on behalf of the Committee thanking her for her service to the Committee.


Members were advised that a letter of thanks would be sent to Ms Evans on Friday when her resignation comes into effect.