Agenda item

DM/23/02421/FPA - Sugar Hill Primary School, Sheraton Road, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 5NU

Construction of a new one-storey replacement school building followed by demolition of existing school buildings with associated car parking, landscaping and outdoor play space and facilities


Councillor Currah returned to the meeting at this point.


The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding an application for the construction of a new one-storey replacement school building followed by demolition of existing school buildings with associated car parking, landscaping and outdoor play space and facilities at Sugar Hill Primary School, Sheraton Road, Newton Aycliffe (for copy see file of minutes).


M Penman, Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included a site location plan, aerial photographs, site photographs, street scene visuals and a proposed layout plan.


Since the report had been published comments were received from Councillor N Jones, Local Member to confirm that whilst he approved of the new building, it did nothing to address the parking concerns of residents.  The Planning Officer advised that the number of pupils and staff would remain unchanged and improvements to the existing access were proposed with an additional 15 parking spaces and one way traffic system.


In response to two further representations received from local residents, the Planning Officer confirmed that a condition requiring a construction management plan had been applied.  Whilst the new building would be slightly closer in proximity to Biscop Crescent, the school field and existing boundary hedges would be retained so the impact to residential amenity was deemed acceptable.


Attending on behalf of the Applicant, Ms L Hunter responded to a number of questions from Councillor Elmer.  She confirmed that a full sustainability strategy had been submitted and complied with the DFE’s specification for net zero carbon in operation.  Air source heat pumps were to be installed for heating.  The increased parking included ten visitor bays and whilst she acknowledged concerns raised about school traffic, the application complied with the Councils standards.  Ms Hunter confirmed that a Travel Plan had been included in the submission.


The Highway Development Manager advised that similar issues were experienced with all schools and peaked twice a day.  To provide more space for parking, was likely to limit other facilities.


Councillor Wilson confirmed that a construction management plan was in place to avoid exacerbated parking issues during the build and overall the application would provide much better facilities for young people.  He moved the recommendation to approve as outlined in the report.


In response to a question from Councillor Boyes regarding the club opposite being used as drop off, Ms Hunter advised that no formal agreement was in place.


Councillor McKeon confirmed that turning circles seemed to work well but accepted sites were restricted with space and walking buses were volunteer led and could be withdrawn at any time.  She acknowledged concerns about parking but local members had been consulted and the objections from residents were not significant.  In her opinion, the response from the Town Council was a typical response to represent residents whilst not objecting to the application.


In response to a question from Councillor Peeke regarding the playground, the Planning Officer confirmed that the hard space was being rearranged to create separate areas for the infants and juniors.  The existing hard surface had been reduced slightly to accommodate more sports playing field and pitches that conformed with Sports England playing fields policy.


Councillor Elmer seconded the proposal.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in the report.</AI6>





















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