Agenda item

County Durham Partnership Update - Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change which provided an update on issues being addressed by the County Durham Partnership (CDP), which included the CDP Board, Forum, Thematic Partnerships and Area Action Partnerships (AAPs) across the county (for copy of report see file of minutes).

Councillor E Scott, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships was delighted to see the work of a multitude of partnerships being pulled together in one place.

Councillor Scott referred to recent events which celebrated ten years of public health and health and wellbeing boards and the successes made in terms of health and wellbeing across communities. Councillor Scott also referenced the relaunch of the County Durham Community Champions which had been repositioned as a key lever in the County Durham Together approach. Other highlights of partnership working related to the return of Lumiere to the City of Durham and also Bishop Auckland which boosted culture, health and the economy. Lumiere still brought about anticipation and inspiration and Councillor Scott would look forward to the economic impact of Lumiere being presented to Cabinet later in the year. Councillor Scott also provided a summary of the excellent examples of the work carried out by AAPs and the County Durham Pound initiative.

Councillor A Shield, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Equality and Inclusion, referred to the widely received Welcome Spaces initiative, which had addressed social exclusion and was promoting social and cohesive inclusion. The important and ongoing work of the Poverty Action Steering Group was also referenced along with the work undertaken by the Humanitarian Partnership Team. Councillor Shield highlighted that much good work was taking place across the County and that all of the initiatives he had referred to, along with many others, clearly demonstrated the Council’s commitment on meeting three strategic objectives and long may that continue.

Councillor Wilkes referred to his recent attendance at the Environment Awards and highlighted that all of the partnerships with the Council and the individuals involved was essential.



That the contents of the report be noted.


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