The Panel welcomed Alex and Luke to present the monthly Children in Care Council (CiCC) update (for copy of presentation see file of minutes). It was reported that Billie Leigh had tendered her apologies for the meeting as she was speaking at an event to celebrate International Women’s Day.
The Panel noted that work is ongoing with Service Leads to align the CICC’s work programme with the Children Looked After Strategic Partnership (CLASP) and Corporate Parenting Panel priority areas. Themes identified included the importance of feeling safe, creating memories, the benefits of positive role models and tailored support for young people. The importance of providing information in a way that is timely, relatable and understandable was also discussed as well as ensuring young people are listened to and are encouraged to be the best they can be.
Alex then presented a short film which she had produced, entitled ‘We are more than care’ which was launched on Care Day. The Panel congratulated Alex and all the young people involved in the production, saying the young people are showing great potential for the future.
The Vice-Chair referred to the theme of improving understanding and she referred to the work done to provide clear information, for example the ‘Know, What, When’ guide and asked whether this work is reaching all young people, or if there is a gap in communications. The Project Manager for Investing in Children clarified that the discussions had focused on building on the good work in place, to use various different techniques to provide information, based on the needs of individual young people.
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