Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Panel Development Session and Action Plan - Report of Deputy Director of Children and Young People's Services


The Deputy Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services delivered a report and presentation on key areas highlighted for discussion at the development session held on 15 September 2023 (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Members were asked to consider additional training that may be beneficial to their role and further improvements for the development of the Panel. 


The Vice-Chair commented that the previous development session had been well received and it provided members with a useful opportunity to seek clarification on specific issues and she suggested that a regular newsletter could be issued to all elected members, as corporate parents to update them on current issues.


Councillor Quinn referred to information sessions previously held after full Council meetings and suggested that these could be re-established.  Councillor Nicholson, Chair of the Council, added that she would be happy for the suggestion to be considered. 


Councillor Varty suggested that members of the fostering panel could be invited to a future development session, to speak about their role.




That the recommendations in the report be approved.


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