Members were reminded that a Special joint Overview and Scrutiny meeting, with Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee, will be held to consider the County Durham Visitor Economy on 12 April 2024 at 9.30am and a workshop will take place on 17 April 2024 at 1pm focusing on the feedback from the Perceptions Survey to inform the new ‘Place’ brand for County Durham. Members were asked to contact Diane Close or Ann Whitton, Overview and Scrutiny Officers, to confirm their attendance at the workshop. The Chair encouraged Members to attend both the meeting and the workshop, if possible.
Members were also remined that a visit is planned to Hardwick Park on Wednesday 1 May 2024, with transport to leave County Hall at 9.30am and return by 1pm. Members were requested to contact the Overview and Scrutiny Officers to confirm their attendance.