Agenda item

Health Protection Assurance Annual Report - Joint Report of Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services and Director of Public Health


The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services and Director of Public Health to provide an update on the health protection assurance arrangements which was a multi-agency responsibility of health protection activities throughout County Durham over the course of the year (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillor C Hood, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Adult and Health Services outlined that it was a statutory function of the local authority to produce a Health Protection Assurance Annual Report. The Director of Public Health had provided Cabinet with details of the adequacy of prevention, surveillance, planning and response to reduce the harm from Health Protection issues that affected residents of County Durham. The report also identified areas of concern and risk mitigations and where further development and assurance would be required in the coming year.


The report demonstrated the strength of partnership relationships across the system including the UK Health Protection Agency, as well as DCC colleagues including environmental health, the Civil Contingencies Unit, local healthcare GP's, ICB Place and the Foundation Trusts. Councillor Hood was pleased that the report highlighted key developments throughout the year, including the MMR rapid review, the publication of the County Durham Sexual Health Strategy and the significant work carried out across partners to promote winter preparedness for services and wellness for residents, including the evolution of the Warm Spaces Network to Welcome Spaces. The concerns highlighted regarding the performance of the school age immunisation service and sexual health services were welcomed, together with the recommended actions to address these issues in improving health outcomes for the residents of County Durham.


Councillor T Henderson acknowledged the broad assurances and effective processes that were in place with each of the key elements of health protection. Councillor Henderson noted the sustained delivery and performance of the immunisation programme within the County, particularly in the 0–5 year age group which exceeded the national standard.


The Leader of the Council commented that the case studies demonstrated within the report showed how the Council worked in partnership and these were key to the success of what we do in County Durham.




That the report, assurance and actions be noted.


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