The Vice-Chair reported how proud she had been of Billie-Leigh and Luke when they delivered the Next Venture Fund presentation to the Regional Corporate Parenting Panel Chairs and Vice Chairs network meeting. Councillor Walton commented on how impressed those in attendance were at how Billie-Leigh and Luke delivered the presentation, with confidence and flair and she thanked them for being excellent ambassadors for Durham.
Bernadette Toomey, Practice Lead for Safeguarding spoke of a young person who has made her proud. In previous years the young person had coped with significant trauma. She was pleased to report that the young person was now thriving, working well with their Social Worker and had secured and part time job.
Robert Johnson, Project Manager for Investing in Children informed the Panel how he had been particularly proud of members of the Children in Care Council. One of the younger members of the CiCC wrote an article for the CiCC newsletter about the positive aspects of being in our care. Another young person had taken a big step forward and attended a CiCC meeting and shared his views.