Agenda item

Draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth and accompanying presentation by the Head of Planning and Housing, Michael Kelleher providing an update on the Draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy (for copy of report and presentation slides, see file of minutes).


The Head of Planning and Housing noted that the contribution to the strategy from the former Head of Housing Solutions, Lynn Hall and former Housing Manager, Marie Smith should be noted, and he expressed his gratitude for their dedication and hard work over the years.


The report and presentation provided an overview of the update on the draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy (2024-2029) and the report included feedback from the second phase of consultation, taking into consideration comments made by Members of the Committee at its meeting on 18 December 2023.

Councillor C Lines entered the meeting at 11.10am



The Head of Planning and Housing noted next steps included: an aim to have the finalised strategy to Cabinet and Council in July 2024; the establishment of a Homelessness Forum with partners and stakeholders; and the development of a five-year delivery plan.


Councillor K Robson left the meeting at 11.14am



Councillor M Stead noted he felt that 150 Local Lettings Agency (LLA) properties was not enough and asked if the Council was looking to purchase more, given the cost of renting properties rather than owning them, referring to costs he had heard from another Local Authorities area of around £4,000 per week.  The Head of Planning and Housing explained that the Authority was looking to purchase more properties, with a bid having been submitted in respect of government funding for a further 12, which would, including those approved last year, be 40 more.  He reminded Members of around 500 new build properties and other LLA acquisitions, noting two to three years ago the Council was at zero properties, now 150 and this would continue to grow.  In terms of the costs referred to, he suspected the £4,000 referred to would include full wrap-around care, however, he noted that Durham would pay up to £700 per week for rent alone, however, he agreed it was better if the Authority own the properties via the LLA.


Councillor A Batey added her thanks to that of the Head of Planning and Housing to both L Hall and M Smith for all their work and noted she was sure the whole Committee would agree. 

The Chair agreed and asked that thanks be passed to the former Officers.  He added that he was pleased to see the draft strategy before Members alongside the review of Durham Key Options (DKO), this would help give greater control back to the Local Authority.




That the report and presentation be noted with members comments on the draft strategy shared with the Service Grouping.


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