Agenda item

Quarter Three 2023/24 Performance Management Report


The Committee received a report of the Chief Executive Officer which provided an overview of progress towards delivery of the key priorities within the Council Plan 2023-27 in line with the council’s corporate performance framework (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


Gemma Wilkinson, Strategy Team Leader presented the report and provided a summary of the main messages regarding performance for the Service Grouping, noting progress to date and areas that were being addressed.


Councillor R Crute noted some confusion in respect of the Selective Licensing scheme registration figures. 

He noted the figures provided at the last meeting of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board had been 43 percent, with figures referred to today being 41 percent within the housing report and 39 precent within the performance report.  He asked for clarity and consistency in reporting of figure to scrutiny.  The Strategy Team Leader noted some lag within the performance reporting, being to the end of quarter three, with the other reports being more up-to-date figures from the service.  She added she would check as regards those figures being reported at Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.  The Service Development and Intelligence Manager noted that one figure was finalised at the end of quarter three, the other being a more up-to-date figure within quarter four.  Councillor R Crute thanked Officers and asked for clarification, noting the variance between the figures.  Councillor M Stead agreed with Councillor R Crute and asked for updated figures to be reported back to the Committee.  The Chair noted the point raised by Councillor R Crute and M Stead.  Councillor R Crute noted that each of the thematic Overview and Scrutiny Committees would be looking at setting their workplans in June and July.




That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to quarter three performance, and the actions being taken to address areas of challenge be noted.


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