Agenda item

Yearly Approval of Risk Assessment of Governance Arrangements


Charter Trustees considered a report of the Clerk to the Charter Trustees that requested approval of the Risk Assessment governance arrangements for the Charter Trustees for the City of Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Clerk advised that following the yearly review, it was considered that the document needed some revision to bring it into line with best practice and to remove references to obsolete bodies such as the Audit Commission. It was also considered that Charter Trustees should be given the opportunity to consider the Risk Assessment at an earlier point in the financial year, rather than at the end. With that in mind, it was recommended that a further report be considered to the first meeting after the AGM.




(i)           That the Risk Assessment for governance arrangements for year end March 2024 be approved; 


(ii)          That Charter Trustees receive a further report in June.

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