Agenda item

To appoint Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the following Committees

Non-Executive/Regulatory Committees

i.        Appeals and Complaints Committee

ii.      Audit Committee

iii.     Chief Officer Appointments Committee

iv.  Highways Committee

v.   Statutory Licensing Committee

vi.  Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee

vii.  General Licensing and Registration Committee

viii.General Licensing and Registration Committee’s

ix.  Standards Committee

x.   County Planning Committee

xi.  Area Planning Committee (North)

xii.  Area Planning Committee (Central and East)

xiii.Area Planning Committee (South and West)


Pension Fund Committee


Corporate Parenting Panel


Overview and Scrutiny Committees

i.        Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board

ii.      Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee

iii.     Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee

iv.     Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny


v.      Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee

vi.     Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee



Moved by Councillor T Duffy, Seconded by Councillor E Mavin that the list of nominations for Chair’s and Vice-Chair be approved.




Appeals and Complaints Committee

Councillor T Duffy

Councillor E Mavin

Audit Committee

Councillor A Watson

Councillor L Fenwick

Chief Officer Appointments Committee

Councillor A Hopgood

Councillor R Bell

Highways Committee

Councillor R Ormerod

Councillor G Hutchinson

General Licensing and Registration Committee

Councillor L Brown

Councillor R Potts

Statutory Licensing Committee

Councillor D Brown

Councillor J Griffiths

Councillor L Mavin

General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee’s

Councillor D Brown (1)

Councillor I McLean (2)

Councillor J Blakey (3)


Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee

Councillor D Brown (1)

Councillor L Mavin (2)

Councillor C Hampson (3)


Standards Committee

Councillor K Rooney

Councillor T Stubbs

County Planning Committee

Councillor G Richardson

Councillor A Bell

Area Planning Committee (North)

Councillor E Peake

Councillor W Stelling

Area Planning Committee (Central and East)

Councillor D Freeman

Councillor D Oliver

Area Planning Committee (South and West)

Councillor J Quinn

Councillor A Savory

Pension Fund Committee

Councillor D Sutton-Lloyd

Councillor M Stead

Corporate Parenting Panel

Councillor M Simmons

Councillor M Walton

Overview and Scrutiny Committees

Corporate Overview and Scrutiny

Management Board

Councillor R Crute

Councillor C Lines

Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee

Councillor V Andrews


Councillor M Johnson


Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee

Councillor A Reed

Councillor C Hunt

Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee

Councillor P Heaviside

Councillor J Charlton

Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee

Councillor B Coult

Councillor J Elmer

Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee

Councillor S Zair

Councillor A Surtees




An Amendment to the list was Moved by Councillor P Sexton that Councillor B Moist be nominated for the position as Chair of Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Councillor K Fantarrow Seconded the Amendment.


A request for a named vote was requested. Having secured the required number of Members’ to request for a named vote, the names voting for and against the amendment were as follows:


For the Amendment

Councillors E Adam, R Adcock-Forster, V Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, A Bell, C Bihari, D Boyes, J Chaplow, R Charlton-Lainé, J Clark, R Crute, S Deinali, K Earley, K Fantarrow, L Fenwick, C Fletcher, J Griffiths, O Gunn, D Hall, C Hampson, A Hanson, S Henig, J Higgins, L Hovvels, M Johnson, C Kay, B Kellett, R Manchester, C Marshall, D McKenna, M McKeon, S McMahon, J Miller, B Moist, D Mulholland, D Nicholls, P Pringle, J Purvis, S Quinn, J Scurfield, P Sexton, K Shaw, G Smith, T Smith, A Surtees, P Taylor, S Townsend, E Waldock, J Watson, M Wilson, S Wilson, D Wood and R Yorke.


Against the Amendment

Councillors M Abley, R Bell, C Bell, J Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, J Cairns, J Charlton, J Cosslett, B Coult, M Currah, T Duffy, J Elmer, D Freeman, D Haney, P Heaviside, T Henderson, L Holmes, C Hood, A Hopgood, J Howey, C Hunt, G Hutchinson, N Jones, P Jopling, C Lines, L Maddison, C Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, B McAloon, S McDonnell, P Molloy, J Nicholson, D Oliver, R Ormerod, E Peeke, R Potts, J Quinn, A Reed, G Richardson, S Robinson, K Robson, K Rooney, J Rowlandson, A Savory, E Scott, A Shield, J Shuttleworth, M Simmons, A Simpson, M Stead, W Stelling, A Sterling, D Stoker, T Stubbs, D Sutton-Lloyd, M Walton, A Watson, M Wilkes and S Zair.


There were no abstentions.


The Amendment was lost.


Upon a further vote being taken it was



That the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committee’s and Sub-Committee’s as circulated be agreed.