Agenda item

Workforce Strategy 2024-2027 - Report of Corporate Director of Resources


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which requested the adoption of the Council’s revised Workforce Strategy for the period 2024 – 2027 (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


Councillor R Bell, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Portfolio Holder thanked the Corporate Director of Resources, the Head of HR and all of the officers involved in bringing the Strategy forward. The key priorities and detailed action plan that underpinned the strategy would provide a solid platform for the development of the workforce going forward. It was ambitious and far reaching and would help create the workforce for the future. The single biggest asset to the Council was ‘Our People’ and the strategy would support all employees regardless of their role. It would ensure necessary focus and prioritisation of the Council workforce going forward. The strong relationship between officers, staff, trade union representatives and elected members would central to the strategy. The Council had always held strong relationships in these areas and these would need to continue for the challenges ahead.


Councillor S McDonnell, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Digital, Procurement and Customer Services spoke in support of the report and in doing so, added her thanks to the officers for bringing the report forward. The Council had exited the pandemic as a different organisation, doing things differently, but always with the customer in mind. The Council did not get everything correct all of the time, however, no organisation did. The Council always learned from that and sought to move forward in the right direction. Services provided by the Council were relied upon by many people and the workforce made a difference to the lives of customers each and every day. Without the workforce the Council would not be able to improve the lives of the people served and Councillor McDonnell was more than happy to support the recommendation and recognised the important role the strategy would have on the transformation journey going forward and to good customer care. The workforce would be crucial to this success.




That the recommendation in the report be approved.

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