Erection of 11 bungalows (amended plans and red line boundary received).
The Senior Planning Officer, Lisa Morina gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes). Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.
The application was for the erection of 11 bungalows (amended plans and red line boundary received) and was recommended for approval, subject to the conditions and Section 106 Legal Agreement as set out in the report.
The Senior Planning Officer noted a correction in respect of the Section 106 amount set out within the report, it was correct at paragraph 62 of the report, with the correct amount being £19,130.10. She added that Condition 4 had been referred to as pre-commencement, however, it would now be ‘no development above the damp proof course level of any dwelling’.
The Committee noted the land in question had previously been used as garden land and explained that a Section 215 Notice had been served in respect of untidy land. It was explained that outline permission had been granted in 2019 for mixed-use development, and also an application had previously been approved at Committee in July 2022, however, the Section 106 Legal Agreement was not signed at that time. The Senior Planning Officer noted that the current application was amended from the 2022 application in terms of only land within the applicant’s ownership being included, and having a Registered Provider, Places for People being interested in developing the site.
The Senior Planning Officer noted no objections from the Highways Team, Northumbrian Water, Coal Authority, NHS and Drainage Team, subject to conditions and Section 106 Legal Agreement. She added that in relation to a right of passage, that would be retained in-situ and therefore stopping up would no longer be required. It was noted that the Environmental Health, Contaminated Land, Archaeology, Ecology and Public Rights of Way Sections had no objections, subject to conditions. The Committee were asked to note that 100 percent of the properties would be affordable housing.
The Senior Planning Officer noted there had been four letters of objections to the application, with the main reasons being parking, access and other uses for the land to be considered. She added that one letter in support of the application had been received, noting bungalows for the elderly would be welcomed. It was explained that two car parking spaces were being provided per bungalow, however, there was no visitor parking.
While this meant provision was fewer than specified within the Parking and Accessibility SPD, it was greater than the previous application and Officers felt that the slight discrepancy was not sufficient to warrant refusal.
The Senior Planning Officer concluded by noting that the application was in line with CDP Policy 6, and while there was limited conflict with the Parking and Accessibility SPD, Officers recommended the application for approval, subject to the conditions, amended conditions referred to and Section 106 Legal Agreement.
The Chair thanked the Senior Planning Officer and asked Councillor M Wilson, Local Member, to speak in relation to the application.
Councillor M Wilson thanked the Chair and Committee, and noted Councillor D Nichols would have also been in attendance to speak at the meeting, however, he had received the same legal advice as Councillor M Wilkes in relation to speaking at Committee.
Councillor M Wilson noted that the application before Committee was the best solution for the area of derelict land, and the redevelopment was welcomed by all. She explained that issues with fly-tipping required frequent attendance by Neighbourhood Wardens at the site. She noted that 11 bungalows were welcomed and were well sought after by the community and would help release family homes elsewhere. She concluded by noting there were no downsides to the solution being proposed and therefore would ask for the Committee’s support for the application as it solved a drawn-out problem in the area.
The Chair thanked Councillor M Wilson and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.
Councillor J Elmer noted he agreed with the comments from Councillor M Wilson, adding it was a shame Councillor D Nicholls had not been in attendance to speak, and disagreed in terms of him being advised not to speak. He added that there was a clear need for bungalows and the scheme matched that need, as well as helping tackle the problems with fly-tipping and therefore he would move approval, subject to the amendments as referred to by the Senior Planning Officer. Councillor S Deinali seconded the motion for approval.
Upon a vote being taken it was:
That the application be APPROVED, subject to the conditions set out within the report, amended Condition 4, and correct Section 106 Legal Agreement amount, £19,130.10, as referred to by the Senior Planning Officer within her presentation.
Councillor C Kay left the meeting at 2.30pm
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