Agenda item

Appointment of Independent Members to the Audit Committee - Report of Corporate Director of Resources


The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which sought approval on the appointment of co-opted Members to the Audit Committee (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Corporate Director of Resources outlined the appointments process that had been undertaken.  Following the conclusion of the recruitment process the recommendations were for the Council to approve the appointment of three independent members to the Audit Committee, an increase of one, to provide increased resilience and ensure that as far as possible, at least two independent members would be in attendance at meetings of the Audit Committee.


The Chair of the Audit Committee, Councillor A Watson, confirmed both he and the Vice Chair, Councillor Fenwick had been fully involved in the recruitment process. Councillor Watson welcomed the input from the current independent members. Both Clive Robinson and Ian Rudd had served the Audit Committee with great distinction and contributed to the robust challenges and discussions, helping ensure that the councils internal controls, risk and financial governance arrangements were as they should be. He placed on record his thanks to both for their service to the Audit Committee over many years.  Councillor Watson confirmed that there had been five candidates who had expressed an interest in the positions and following the interviews it was clear that there were three outstanding candidates.  He went on to say that understandably, diaries did not always permit the two independent members to attend all meetings and in consultation with the Corporate Director and the Chief Internal Auditor, he fully supported increasing the appointments to three independent members.


In addition to the reappointment of Clive and Ian, Councillor Watson was confident that Francis Barnish would be a great addition to the Audit Committee and subject to Council endorsing these appointments he looked forward to working with all three members. 


Councillor L Fenwick placed on record her thanks to Clive and Ian for their contributions to the Audit Committee and supported the recommendations.


In relation to increasing the Independent Members numbers to three, Councillor Fenwick explained that this would provide a greater likelihood that at least two Independent Members would be in attendance at all Audit Committee meetings, ensuring that we complied with best practice. Councillor Fenwick was sure that Francis Barnish would bring a lot to the Committee.


In seconding the recommendations, Councillor Fenwick placed on record her thanks to Tracy Henderson, Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager who provided support with the appointment process.


Moved by Councillor A Watson, Seconded by Councillor L Fenwick and




a)       To formally record its thanks to Clive Robinson and Ian Rudd for

          their service to date as co-opted Independent Members to the

          Audit Committee since 2018.

(b)      To increase the co-opted Audit Committee membership from

          two to three members with effect from 1 May 2024.

(c)      Subject to the outcome of the Audit Committee meeting on 20

          May 2024, to reappoint Clive Robinson and Ian Rudd and also

          appoint Francis Barnish as a new co-opted Independent

          Member to the Audit Committee with effect from 1 May 2024

          with all three appointments being for a fixed term of three years.


Supporting documents: