The Panel considered the Pre-Birth Intervention Update, presented by Jac Tyler, Strategic Manager (for copy of report see file of minutes).
The Strategic Manager informed the Panel that the Pre-birth Intervention Service (PBiS) was established to enable babies to remain with their parents or with the birth family when safe to do so. When that was not possible, the aim was to permanently place the baby with alternative carers, as soon as possible after birth.
The Panel noted the criteria for eligibility for the service, and that for a referral to be accepted into the team, the referral must be made prior to 21 weeks gestation. The Strategic Manager provided details of the work undertaken over the past year, with a total of 96 unborn children supported and she explained how new pathways had been developed for assessments to be tailored to the needs of the individual family, including young parents; those families who had previously experienced care proceedings and for parents with learning needs.
The Strategic Manager described case studies which illustrated how the PBiS linked with other areas of children’s services and the commitment and dedication of the practitioners involved.
Councillor Walton asked whether families engaged freely with the service and the Strategic Manager clarified that meaningful consent was required to be provided by parents. She described how the support was intensive and those families who committed to the service engaged well.
That the report be noted.
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