Agenda item

Future Hope (previously Pause) - Report of Head of Children's Social Care


The Panel received a report on the Future Hope service, formerly known as Pause Durham, presented by Jac Tyler, Strategic Manager (for copy of report see file of minutes). 


The Strategic Manager explained that Pause Durham was rebranded in 2024 and with the help of women involved in the service, it was given a new name, Future Hope. The Future Hope service aimed to reduce the number of women who had previously had one or more children permanently removed from their care. In total, the service had worked with 84 women, 45% of whom were care experienced. The Panel noted there had been no further sets of care proceedings or further children removed from the women who had graduated from Future Hope.


The Strategic Manager informed the Panel that 24 women were currently engaged with the service, ranging between the ages of 21 and 39 years and 57% of the women were care experienced. The Panel noted that areas of need being addressed by the programme included domestic, alcohol and substance abuse and mental health. Feedback from those having received the service was overwhelmingly positive and outcome surveys showed improvements to women’s confidence and emotional and mental health, which may not have been achieved were it not for the support of Future Hope.    


Concluding the presentation, the Strategic Manager presented a case study and audio clips from women supported by the service who spoke of how the support had made a positive difference to their lives.




That the report be noted.


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