Agenda item

Update on the Corporate Asset Management Plan 2023-2025 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which updated Cabinet on the progress of the corporate asset management since it was approved in April 2023. The plan set out priorities for further improvements which would inform the development of the next iteration of the CAMP to be presented in 2025 (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


In Moving the report, Councillor J Rowlandson, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Resources, Investments and Assets explained that the update highlighted the importance of the Council land and property portfolio and how it contributed to the success of the Council’s ambitions. The CAMP agreed by Cabinet in 2023 provided space for the delivery of public services, the plan assists with job creation, housing and economic growth as well as income to invest in services. The Council and County had experienced changing economic, social and financial environments which underlined the paramount importance of strong strategic management of land and property. Strong governance models provided for assurance and clear decision making which were key in ensuring best value and transparency. The update to the implementation of the CAMP provides Cabinet with a clear understanding of progress and ambition for the future with a clear direction to support, ensure value for money and provide strong leadership for Council land and property.


Councillor R Bell, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance commented that an effective CAMP was essential to the effective management of scarce resources. Managing the operational estate effectively and ensuring best value for disposals and timely management of Council buildings were all key to the Medium Term Financial Plan. Councillor Bell seconded the recommendations in the report.




That the recommendation in the report be approved.

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